Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Super Bowl: An American Pastime

The Super Bowl is so much more than an American pastime and tradition.  It's American Culture at it's core.  I like to celebrate it every year, making my favorite American dishes.  I'm of Italian and Spanish descent and cooking is a part of who I am, ingrained in me through family tradition.  I love to express myself through the art of creating delicious food I can share with my loved ones.  

In years past I've made wings, chili and ribs. Some important takeaways have been: When you smell it, it's done.  Big flavor is important; heck, it's imperative.  Garlic and onions (&/or shallots/leeks/scallions) are the important beginning of every dish.  Go big, or go home.  

This year I made Meatloaf with caramelized onions.  To me, meatloaf is the epitome of classic American comfort food.  It's like a juicy hamburger, but with A LOT more flavor.  I like to mix it up and make it different every time.  This year I used barbeque sauce, mustard, ketchup, cinnamon, ground ginger and a bit of curry.  The cinnamon & curry really rounded out and added an unexpected depth of flavor.  I topped it with caramelized onions and freshly chopped chives.  The caramelized onions added a sweet and savory component and the fresh chives "woke up" the flavor of the dish.  I love adding caramelized onions to so many dishes because it adds great texture.  It's such a treat, dresses up any dish and makes it look and feel complete.

All I can say is: Oh, baby.

God Bless America!  :)

Sunday, February 5, 2017


On October 27th, 2016, I lost my Dad.

It was quite sudden.

There are things people don't tell you about loss.  Even if they did, you probably wouldn't understand, until you went through it yourself.  Here are some things I've learned in the last 3 months.

1.  Life is a lot shorter than you think. 

It's one of those cliché phrases people say all the time.  But when you lose a loved one, you realize how very true it is.  My Dad died at 76 years of age.  That may sound like a life long lived, but there were still so many more things I was supposed to do with him.  I was supposed to visit Spain with him.  I was supposed to visit him for Christmas.  I was supposed to go wine tasting with him again.  I was supposed to have some real bonding moments.  I was supposed to make more memorable lifetime moments. 

2.  People teach you things only you could possibly learn or understand after they are gone. 

It's true.  There were so many times I disagreed with my Dad.  So many comments I found to be annoying, condescending, patronizing.  No one could tick me off like my Dad.  Now that he's gone, somehow, strangely, I understand.  I understand his point of view, where he was coming from.  To say I agree with all he embodied wouldn't be true.  Just because he's gone, it doesn't mean I will immortalize him and remember him falsely, as if his word was gospel.  But I do understand so many more things about him now.  I appreciate his love of the planet and wanting to conserve.  I don't let the water run as often when washing dishes.  I scrape the peanut butter container until a morsel doesn't remain.  For Christmas I bought a potted Dwarf Alberta Spruce.  It never dawned on me on how wasteful and frivolous it is to buy a freshly cut tree for less than a months time of adornment.  How frivolous it may not be to you or me, but to mother earth.  It's odd.  This past Christmas season, it resonated with me deeply and profoundly.  Yet, if he were still here, I probably wouldn't have seen it.  I probably would've scoffed at him or rolled my eyes.  How defiant I could be.  Sometimes with no logical reason, other than the fact he was my Dad and his preaching would irritate me beyond words, for no other reason that he was my dad and I found his advice to be pontificating and pedantic.  His desire to speak so properly also drove me crazy.  His constant need to correct how everyone spoke drove me up a wall.  Now, my son & I correct each other simultaneously, while laughing and state "that's so Buelo" (Abuelo abbreviated).  Actually, a month before my Dad died, I coined the term "Bueloism", so if any of us (family members) did or said something that my Dad was known for, I referred to it as a "Bueloism".

3.  Appreciate the small moments, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big moments. 

I am crying as I write this.  Because it's so incredibly true.  I remember the last visit my parents made in August 2016.  Little did I know it would be the last one.  I remember sitting at the dinner table with my parents and son in my home.  It was such a joyous moment.  My heart overflows with love when I think of it.  Although I unfortunately don't recall much of what we were discussing, it was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life, as a wonderful one.  We all were enjoying dinner with a glass of wine, marveling at how quickly my mom could throw together such a delicious dinner in no time and how delicious the wine was.  We were laughing, completely absorbed in the moment.  No distractions of cell phone emails and texts pinging or home phone ringing.  Completely enjoying each others company and savoring every comment, laugh and observation about life and each other.  I wish I remembered more of the conversation than that.  But, it's always been said you may not remember what people said, you remember how they made you feel.  In that moment I felt happy and loved.

4.  Grieving the death of your loved one is nothing like I ever imagined. 

I thought I'd cry hysterically every day, all day.  Don't get me wrong.  I do cry hysterically some days.  But it's odd.  Some days it's for an hour.  Some days it's on and off all day.  Other days it can be for a 30 second outburst.  Some days I'm profoundly sad.  Some days I'm furious.  Some days I'm incredibly joyous.  Some days I experience all mentioned in ONE DAY.  It's so odd.  Nothing like I ever imagined.  It's a strange thing to wrap my head around - that I'll never see my Dad again.  I sometimes feel his presence and see him in moments and other things; at least I hope that I am. 

5.  Apples and Peanut Butter are the best snack ever. 

They're delicious and nutritious.  They were one of my Dad's favorite snacks.  My son and I now know why.  He was right.  This is an awesome snack. 

Thanks, Dad.  :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Shoo, Fly!

It's that time of year again!  Finally!  Pedicures.  Flip flops.  Long days.  Cool nights.  And mosquitos.  Gotta take the good with the bad!  How cute is this Citronella Candle?  Shoo flies, mosquitos and other pests with this chic citronella candle.  It's available at one of my favorite stores, Terrain.  Located in Westport, CT, or on their website, "Teak Boat Citronella Candle".


Springtime: the crack of the bat when my son makes contact with the baseball; skies so blue, you'd swear you were in SoCal; saturation of color as far as the eye can see, endless shades of green, yellow, blue, pink = happiness.

Time to sit outside, listen to birds sing, to smell the roses and all other glorious flowers that the season brings.

Time to sit on the deck, in the garden, on the patio.

Take it all in. Pull up one of these bright, fun colored chairs., "Metal Bistro Chairs"

Friday, December 26, 2014

Snowflake Marshmallows

Whether you are looking to cozy up with your children and watch a movie or to enjoy some alone time reading a book, add these to a hot beverage; they're awesome! They're a whimsical take on the classic marshmallow. Make a cup of hot cocoa for the kids or add a new twist to the classic Irish Coffee or a new cocktail mentioned in the link below. Warm up sitting in front of the fire and enjoy. They can be purchased at:

Cocktail Recipes:

What's Old Is New Again

Tired of your old stand by champagne flutes? Need to freshen up the look of that glass of Prosecco? In an age of "Re-Purposing", I just love this idea. Hit up your parents, grandparents, great aunt or uncle. Ask if you can borrow a set of champagne glasses for this look or if they're even willing to part with them. It's old school redoux. This look is all the rage, a throw back to the old "Speak Easy". If no one is willing to part with their set, you can purchase a pair at Terrain or probably even a second hand store. Then cut up a ruby red grapefruit into wedges. Take a wedge, cut in half and run along rim of glass & then dip into a small shallow bowl of sugar, to quaintly coat rims of glasses. Pour glass of Champagne, Prosecco, Cava or any other bubbly you prefer and finish off with a wedge of grapefruit on rim. Cheers!